A Platform for Change

We are a collective of fashion specialists working with manufacturers, retailers, brands and NGOs to drive sustainable fashion forward

What makes Forward in Fashion unique

Different perspectives. One shared vision.

Forward in Fashion collaborations are project-specific, diverse, creative and experience-rich teams driven by a genuine desire to make a difference – to individual businesses and to the entire apparel industry.


We believe that collaboration and a multi-disciplinary approach is not just effective but critical to ensuring a future for the industry that is both profitable and sustainable.


We provide a wide range of market access, coaching and training services that address the most difficult challenges, pressing issues and exciting opportunities of our industry today.


We are professionals, academics, entrepreneurs and innovators. Together, we combine creative flair and analytical rigour, pioneering ideas and best practice, knowledge and imagination to deliver exceptional value for our clients.

"I am passionate about working toward a cleaner, safer apparel industry"

Serge Léon


From risk reduction and pre-compliance to beyond-compliance and strategic integration, I help companies at all stages of their sustainability journey to create impactful, lasting change.


Having spent the better part of two decades managing offshore production units supplying some of the industry’s most progressive brands, it was a natural progression for me to further specialise in quality & chemical management, compliance and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

"For me, the greatest reward is seeing manufacturers that I have worked with in emerging countries successfully grow their business in a responsible way.”

Giovanni Beatrice


I was born in Italy and brought up in the Netherlands where I have worked in the apparel industry for over 25 years. During this time, I have built up a large international network, which enables me to stay on the cutting edge of new industry trends. As a result, I am able to facilitate the implementation of innovative solutions to industry challenges.

Giovanni Beatrice and Serge Léon

“A change - no matter good or bad - will always bring about opportunity”

Founders Forward in Fashion

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